Blade Runner: 2039 #9 Impressions [Advanced Review]

Blade Runner: 2039 #9 of 12

Comic Author: Mike Johnson Interior Artists: Andres Guinaldo, Marco Lesko, Jim Campell Cover Artist: Alan Quah Editor: David Leach Creative Consultant: Michael Green

**Disclaimer: I received a Digital Review Copy**


This issue could have told what it needed with far fewer pages used here. Most of the issue is conversations with a rotating cast of characters asking questions to one another with no answers in sight until a much later time.  If you are picking up the comic just as a random jumping on point, there is a little here to sell the reader on investing in what took place prior. Even if you're someone who has been reading since the start, this will feel like a placeholder issue while the story momentum finds its bearings again. What the comic does have going for it is the tone of the story matches the flatness the script ushers in. With what seems like a cliffhanger that's supposed to have some gravitas. Readers can hope the remaining issues bring some life to the


Andres Guinaldo brings a style to the universe that is reminiscent of Frank Miller's Batman. He provides illustrations of unique character designs that stand apart from one another. Guinaldo's illustration of the facial expressions of every character comes in handy for the conversation-heavy script. This is also due to the assistance from Marco Lesko's coloring style, where attention to lighting detail is a big focus. The coloring in this issue takes the driver's seat, helping to elevate the illustrations that stay tamed throughout. 

Blade Runner: 2039 is on sale now!

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