Conan The Barbarian #10 Impressions


Conan The Barbarian #10 

Comic Author: Jim Zub

Interior Artists: Diego Rodriguez, Rob De La Torre, Rich Starkings, Comic Craft's Tyler

Cover Artist: Alan Quah

Editor: Chris Butera

Consulting Editor: Matt Murray

**Disclaimer: I received a Digital Review Copy**


The fast-paced excitement of the previous issue is replaced with a more subdued and controlled narrative in this installment. Readers might find themselves numb to the recurring callbacks and Conan troupes, as many moments in this installment give off a “been there, done that already” style. This sentiment is amplified for those who have been loyal fans since day one. With this new timeline, Jim Zub can experiment with parallel storylines. The final outcome will determine the success of the execution once this storyline concludes. Jim Zub’s skillful use of dialogue and narration ensures that readers will be fully immersed in this epic fantasy narrative he seems to have carefully crafted.


The artistry, with its well-executed illustrations, vibrant colors, and carefully crafted lettering, remains consistent with the previous installment. As I reached the end of the story, I couldn’t ignore the fact that the sole background character of color, who appeared to be of African descent, was portrayed as a slave laboring beneath the ship as a rower. This portrayal could’ve been detected and corrected by an editor who is attentive to detail.

Conan the Barbarian #10 is on sale April 24th digitally and physically!

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