Blade Runner: 2039 #10 Impressions [Advanced Review]

Blade Runner: 2039 #10 of 12

Comic Author: Mike Johnson Interior Artists: Andres Guinaldo, Marco Lesko, Jim Campell Cover Artist: Tom Mandrake Editor: David Leach Creative Consultant: Michael Green

**Disclaimer: I received a Digital Review Copy**


The chase is heating up as Mike Johnson's maxi-series approaches its final climax, with only two issues remaining. Readers will immediately feel immersed in the precinct-12 style procedural opening. 

Readers should anticipate the repetition of the same beats as in the previous issue. The story pacing could be improved by condensing the excessive amount of content taking up page real estate. In certain instances, readers can spot a character's action from a long distance. If this is due to story boundaries cause of licensings deal, that’s quite a bummer. By the end the laid back writing style with cliche troupes comes off as a out dated script. 

This issue lacks an aggressive dominant-style character, who we anticipated would be part of the crew based on the last issue. I can’t but think “Why was she missing” and “What would’ve happen if she was present”. The presented outcome seems dull and easily foreseeable. Even by the issue’s progression to its cliffhanger readers still may not be convinced cause of its execution. 

If the final two installments follow the same rhythm and tropes, I fear the series finale won't deliver much excitement for its big ending. 


At first glance readers might think there's a rotating art team on the issue from the previous installment. Character features or designs are distinctly different. This type of inconsistency makes you wonder if artists need a different release schedule to not have the art affected by time restraint. 

Andres Guinaldo backgrounds are a highlight as they add a robust amount of kinetic energy, an example particularly during Ashina's sequence. In general the backgrounds and the details within can't be praised enough. Adding Marco Lesko's coloring talents continues to carry the momentum of this comic.

Blade Runner: 2039 #10 is on sale digitally and physically on February 14th!

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