Robotech: Rick Hunter #3 Impressions


Robotech: Rick Hunter #3 of 4  

Comic Author: Brandon Easton Interior Artists: Simone Ragazzoni, Bryan Valenza, Andworld's Jame Cover Artist: Koi Carreon Editor: Calum Collins Special Thanks To Tommy Yune

**Disclaimer: I received a Digital Review Copy**


Now, three issues into the miniseries, the storytelling still focuses on the antagonist's villainous monologues, which is a huge focus of this issue. As the penultimate issue, the story feels as if it's at a standstill until the finale of the next issue. Brandon Easton's formula here feels like he's injecting a television drama crime series procedural beats that feel out of place. One drawback, in particular, is at points, moments that should feel believable are executed in a previous issue, losing any meaningful impact now. Being a licensed property makes you wonder what restrictions Brandon Easton, Calum Collins, and co. have when imagining these ideas. Not only does he have just four issues to tell a complete story, but there's also the task of grabbing new readers, longtime enthusiasts (myself included), and hardcore Macross/Robotech fans. This all while staying within the confines of what Harmony Gold allows to tell. Brandon Easton now has one issue left to cap this mini-series off. With all the setup and revelations provided, the last issue will hopefully make up for the slow buildup.


Don't expect a cartoony-like style from this creative team. The art resembles what can be considered the Titan Comics x Harmony Gold house style. Simone Ragazzoni's character designs don't stray away from looking alike, making the interior panel, its layouts, and transitions forgettable. Robotech, on its own, lends to the anime look, and not going with that style feels off-putting. It's a possibility the creative wanted to stay within the publisher's house style while being inspired by Marvel's Robotech Defenders comic from way back. As long as the reader is invested in the story, they'll be able to look past art that doesn't execute a visual banger. 

Robotech: Rick Hunter #3 is on sale on January 31st! 

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