Conan The Barbarian #7 Impressions [Advanced Review]
Conan the Barbarian #7 Comic Author: Jim Zub Interior Artists: Doug Braithwaite, Diego Rodriguez, Rich Starkings Cover Artist: Stephanie Hans Editor: Chris Butera Consulting Editor: Matt Murray
**Disclaimer: I received a Digital Review Copy**
Jim Zub's script allows new readers to join the journey without feeling they must invest money and time into previous issues. That's part of the author's task in getting readers hyped enough to go play catch-up while the ongoing series continues. Jim Zub's ability to keep readers engaged is surely no problem. Conan's emotional chords are put through a grinder, spitting the shattered remains on the roads of Shadizar the Wicked on full rage throttle. The narration plays an enormous part in capturing the reader's belief in the story presented and delivers plentiful. It's even recommended to read over the issue narration only to grasp the magnificent imagination presented. While taking in the story, readers will have no idea what awaits around the alleys of the city. As the issue crescendos naturally into an action-packed ending, readers may find themselves not knowing how to react to this shattering cliffhanger.
Everything from panel layouts, character expressions, and astounding progression to match the story's pacing. Some of my favorite panels take place during Conan's travels through Shaizar, the Wicked City under the night sky. Pairing Doug Braithewaite's impactful art with Jim Zub's tight script makes the comic flow flawlessly. The comic arts aesthetic captures every piece of emotion and action well. Though the fantasy illustrations are on point. I couldn't help but feel that a different color-work or colorist would've given the final touches to match the illustration's energy. I feel the coloring work of this issue fits better as a flashback moment(s). One could assume that to immerse the reader and make them feel as if they are reading folklore, the coloring style fits that execution. Without a doubt, the subtle coloring accents how nice Doug Braithewaite's illustration craft is.
Conan the Barbarian #7 is on sale on February 7th!
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